I’m tellin’ ya…it’s all about the cheese

Dateline Spartanbug.

Linda Lowe was hungry for something cheesy and her boyfriend Dupree obliged by whipping up a “cheese on toast snack” (aka…open faced grilled cheese). “It came out just exactly like that. I didn’t do anything special,” Gilbert said. “The Lord works in mysterious ways, but I don’t think there’s any magic to it. But it is a reminder that the Lord is with you every day of your life.”

Open face jesus grilled cheese

Now, I really have to wonder about this cheese thing. Traditional grilled cheese, open faced, cheese flavored chips…there’s a pattern here. Is Jesus trying to tell us that the Lactose intolerant folks are damned? Hmm…

“And finally, tonight…”

First, I was under no illusion that this blog was an original concept (cataloging sightings into one easy to find location), but, someone has put together a nice video montage of the concept…I’m glad someone has copious amounts of free time.

Thoughts on the US Election

First…hell yeah baby!! In the words of my 3 year old son, “Obama Rocks”.

It really is amazing what happens when enough people get motivated and pissed off. The only thing that is really annoying me about this election is why did it take so damn long? Everyone knew that Shrub Jr. was a dip-shit 4 years ago when Gore “won”. How is it that we could collectively let that man stay in power for 8 years?

He put the economy in the crapper, put the country to war without really using the proper constitutional channels, created a new government office that can infringe on the civil liberties of the citizens…WTF?!

Well, now Obama is in office, and he’s not wasting any time sending messages that things are going to change. For the first time in a while, I’m excited about the future of our country if for no other reason than other countries are now openly expressing interest in renewing relationships that Bush tarnished.

What does this have to do with deities and food items? Nothing…but this is my web site, so if you don’t like it, go make your own site.

Supreme Griller.

“I’m Walking on Jesus…Ohh Yeahh!”

A Las Vegas woman claims shes had Jesus under her feet for the last 3 years. She first noticed the image after her retina detached and her recovery process involved keeping her head down for three weeks. Apparently all that time looking at the floor caused her finally discover the image in every single one of the tiles in her kitchen floor.

Her Brother must be a bigger Jesus freak than she is, because he blamed her detached retina on the fact she’d been treading on The Big Cheese for years.

I just can’t get the melody from that song “Walkin On Sunshine” out of my head.

Gibson and Fender…Suckit! Jesus plays Washburn

Jesus on a guitar Apparently Jesus us a music fan, but both Gibson and Fender have failed to please the the Great Cheesy One. When He isn’t out healing people or turning water to wine, Jesus likes to play his power chords on a Washburn.

And, if the image on the guitar isn’t clear enough, maybe it’s because Jesus just took his motorcycle helmet off and is looking a little ragged. According to the guitars owner, “It also reminds me of my brother, he’s a biker.”

Jesus appears on Google Maps

I had a friend who expressed doubt that I could actually create enough content for this blog just based on Jesus sightings. He has since admitted that he was wrong and now sends me anything he finds on the subject. But, just to show you how easy it is to find material, I just did a simple Google search this morning, and came up with this absurd YouTube video. This bozo claims that he found Jesus in the clouds on the satellite image of Google Earth where Mount Sinai is supposed to be.

And, then there’s this Scorsese wannabe who turns melted candle wax into a 5 minute opus complete with an operatic score.

Jesus is a Tolkien Fan!

Tree BeardDateline, Florida…again (I’m telling you…it’s the humidity. It rots the brain). Jesus has been seen gallivanting around in the trees of a Central Florida town. Apparently JC only reveals himself at night on a tree outside of the home of Joe Lewis. Then, as mysteriously has he shows up, he is gone.

Now, I can’t help but notice the similarity in this report to another tree dwelling creature…Tree Beard from J.R.R. Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings series. Check it out…

Tree Beard

“I’m not really hardcore religious,” Lewis said. “I thought it was something cool. I didn’t think it was something to go crazy over or anything like that.”

I think someone needs to ask Mr. Lewis if he’s been watching his prize copy of the extended, uncut LOTR DVDs a bit too much recently.

Calm bees indicate God is near

A cathedral in Somerset UK had a divine event on their hands when a rogue been swarm decided to camp out on church grounds. Apparently they were so calm that even an old lady nearby didn’t even notice them…that is until the shape of the cross appeared.

bees uk cross

So, living in the age of killer bees as we do, what would it take to get you to notice a buzzing mass of thousands of bees? Personally, the really loud buzzing noise would tip me off. Now, about the holy image the bees formed…no wait…it’s just a bunch of bees.