Jesus is a Tolkien Fan!

Tree BeardDateline, Florida…again (I’m telling you…it’s the humidity. It rots the brain). Jesus has been seen gallivanting around in the trees of a Central Florida town. Apparently JC only reveals himself at night on a tree outside of the home of Joe Lewis. Then, as mysteriously has he shows up, he is gone.

Now, I can’t help but notice the similarity in this report to another tree dwelling creature…Tree Beard from J.R.R. Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings series. Check it out…

Tree Beard

“I’m not really hardcore religious,” Lewis said. “I thought it was something cool. I didn’t think it was something to go crazy over or anything like that.”

I think someone needs to ask Mr. Lewis if he’s been watching his prize copy of the extended, uncut LOTR DVDs a bit too much recently.

Calm bees indicate God is near

A cathedral in Somerset UK had a divine event on their hands when a rogue been swarm decided to camp out on church grounds. Apparently they were so calm that even an old lady nearby didn’t even notice them…that is until the shape of the cross appeared.

bees uk cross

So, living in the age of killer bees as we do, what would it take to get you to notice a buzzing mass of thousands of bees? Personally, the really loud buzzing noise would tip me off. Now, about the holy image the bees formed…no wait…it’s just a bunch of bees.

Jesus likes Soup

A man in Kentucky is attempting to sell a spoon with what he claims in an image of Jesus.

Jesus image in a spoon

When asked how much he thinks the spoon will sell for the man said, “I don’t know. I have no idea, I’m just hoping that if I get rid of it, it’s a blessing to somebody because of the image that’s on it.”

“I’m just hoping to get rid of it…” convincing sales pitch.

Staring at the sun is bad…even if it is only to catch a glimpse of Mary

What do you get when you cross insanity with reported sightings of the Virgin Mary? A bunch of blind people!

In case you don’t want to read the whole story…the short version is a bunch of people in India went blind from staring at the sun because someone said they saw the Virgin Mary. What makes this even more delicious is that it’s not a one time event. People are continuing to visit the location and make themselves blind.

Asparagus Fern…better than the Burning Bush

Jesus root systemDivine vegetation as Jesus appears in plant
By Samantha Payne

A GARDENER had a revelation when he dug up his asparagus plant and saw the face of Jesus.

Martin Gregory was enjoying his Sunday morning gardening when he noticed something quite different about one of his asparagus ferns he removed from a pot.

As the 52-year-old laid the 30-inch plant on the grass the sun shone down on the roots and revealed the face of Jesus to him.

The part-time mosaic tutor said: “I thought, ‘Good gracious! It’s the face of Jesus.’

“It’s the most weird thing I have ever seen.

“The roots are fantastic. You can actually make out a thorn crown around his head, his eyes and nose.

“I’ve heard about Mother Theresa’s face being seen in a bagel but I thought this was much better.”

Belvedere resident Mr Gregory removed the plant from his pot, which had been in the garden for ten years, because he thought it was dying.
An artist’s impression of Jesus
An artist’s impression of Jesus

He believed the Christ-like image was caused by the roots being pressed against the stones in the plant pot causing the unusual indentations.

He added: “It looked so much like His face it took my breath away.

“It has not made me religious. But it could be something supernatural linked to the abbey ruins opposite.

“We don’t know what’s in the ground.”

Father David Sherratt, of St Michael and All Angels Church, Abbey Wood Road, Abbey Wood, said: “I have often heard of people seeing things. God may want Mr Gregory to interpret what he saw in the plant as a sign.”